Instituto Alemán de Puerto Montt
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Clasificación D 791
Autor(es) Krää, Gernot
Título(s) Paulas Geheimnis
Lugar de Edición
Fecha de edición

Farbfilm home

Resumen Paulas Geheimnis (Paula's Secret) is an offbeat detective film which shines due to its relevant social message.The entire film is based on a young girl's childish dreams as we see how a search for a lost diary turns out to be a truly amazing adventure for two German kids.Thefts are a common occurrence at many metro stations in Europe.This film makes us all aware of organized criminal gangs who employ stolen children for their selfish motives.An apt social message is given to us by presenting glimpses of impoverished children from European Union. The focus is on the sad plight of poor children from Romania who are forced to steal in Germany and other European Union countries for their mafia bosses in Romania and elsewhere.They are forced to live in absolute misery as they cannot expect any kind of help from anybody. German director Gernot Kraa also shows attitudes of yuppie parents who are always ready to pamper their children.This is displayed by their inherent fascination for holidays without bothering to find out whether their wards are performing well at schools or not ?
Descripción 1 CD - ROOM.: 95 min.


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